Soulical deliverance (Psychological state)
Deliverance in your soul realm- dealing with your mind, (Conscious & subconscious), will & emotion.
Soulical deliverance is really important because the battle is for the soul of man. GOD wants your soul, and so those the devil. Whoever is controlling your mind, will, and emotion is who owns you. For GOD to take hold of you, He has to cleanse your soulical realm, and take you to factory reset..
When is soulical deliverance needed:
- If you endured trauma (childhood & in life in general)
- abuse of any kind
- suffer from substance abuse
- Ungodly soul-ties
- Narcissist abuse
- If you are human
- If you live on earth
Your soul houses your mind, will, and emotions, Trauma and substance abuse can alter the state of your soul and cause you to function in a way GOD never intended you to function.
Healing for the soul is a healing process you go through to discover trauma & inner wounds to heal so that you can flourish and walk in your given authority, power & purpose.