If you have been in a narcissistic abusive relationship I just want to let you know you are not alone and there is deliverance and restoration for you. It is not the end for you, I know the pain you are enduring. I have gone through a narcissist abusive relationship my entire life. Just last year GOD delivered me out of one with a warlock that could have taken my life so I understand what you are going through.

The narcissist abuse recovery program was created to bring you deliverance, healing, and restoration. This is a FREE program that offers 101 and group coaching. 

In this program, we will engage in spiritual warfare, fasting and praying, biblical teaching for your spiritual growth and mind renewal, and Spiritual and psychological healing of your soul. We will also engage in the restoration process, which may involve physical, and financial work all depending on the impact this relationship had on you and damages to recover from.

Recovery program process:

Srep #1: Deliverance Room- this is where we do spiritual warfare, fasting and praying, cutting soul ties, repenting, recommitting to YAH, breaking generational curses, and cleaning our spiritual house.

You will learn about:

  • Salvation in JESUS CHRIST
  • Identity In CHRIST JESUS
  • Spiritual authority in CHRIST JESUS
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Self-deliverance
  • Power of praying and fasting
  • Demonology
  • Generational Curses and how to break free
  • Cutting soul ties
  • How to live in Christ JESUS

Step #2: Healing Room- This is where spiritual and psychological surgery takes place. Brace yourself, it is not an easy process but I will be here with you and so will GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT is your helper and comforter so you are not alone. In this step we will dig deep into your soul realm to heal wounds caused by these traumatic events, and other hidden wounds that have been there for long. 

We will examine past and present, to identify open wounds and self-sabotaging behaviors, and also we will engage in a 3 day fast seeking GOD for divine healing, forgiveness, and putting your past under the BLOOD and closing every door and portal that was open due to trauma and sin.

You will learn about:

  • Understanding the soul realm
  • God's purpose for your soul
  • Discovering your wounds and hurts
  • Discovering belief systems and changing beliefs
  • Forgiveness
  • Accountability
  • How to use GOD word as your medicine
  • Self-examination and creating a new life

The healing journey is a process, and to be completely honest I don't know how long it will last for you, but what I can guarantee is that if you stay committed to GOD and the process you will receive healing. Some healing comes immediately from GOD, by his grace and mercy, this is why we fast because only GOD knows what you need healing for immediately. 

GOD promise you in Isaiah 58:8 

“Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.”

It is on this promise we stand as we go through the process. If it is taking longer that is completely fine, just rest in his love and promise.

Step #3: Restoration room- The word restoration is defined as the action of returning something to its former owner, condition, or place. To receive restoration you have to have lost something. In a narcissist abuse relationship, you lose time, money, opportunity, and even yourself, but GOD SAID YOU ARE GETTING ALL OF THAT BACK PLUS MORE. What you lost cannot compare to what you are about to receive, the version of you they meet, is nothing like the new you that you are ready to manifest. That money you lost, was just a down payment for GOD abundance for you. 

God promise in Isaiah 51:3 stating “For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.” 

The restoration process is where GOD takes away all your sorrow and brings comfort to you. In the areas of your life that are barren, he promises to bring fruitfulness, increase, to beautify you and your life with HIS GLORY. It is in your season of restoration that you will come to wholeness in CHRIST JESUS, the purpose will be birth out of your pain, the years you lost in life, and this relationship GOD will restore it according to Joel 2:25. The restoration room is where you prepare and then step into GOD purpose and promise for you. I hope you are excited, these promises make me want to shoot Hallelujah and start dancing. REJOICE BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO STEP INTO YOUR BLESSED CHRIST LIFE.

You will learn about:

  • Understanding the Prophetic season of your life
  • Activating the Prophetic Voice within you (you don't have to be a prophet to decree a thing for it to come to pass)
  •  Prophetically examining your past, present, and future
  • Prophetic life planning 
  • Reinvention of self and life
  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Discovering your purpose
  • Launching into your purpose

You have done the work and made it this far. Now it is time to SOAR.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

To register for this program, go to services and select the narcissist recovery program, schedule your appointment for your first sessions, this will be more of a conversation and intake process, then we will create time for the coaching session that will continue until the end of the program. The process can last from 3 months to 6 months to 1 year. It all depends on the work you need and how fast we go through the process.